'MILES' is a complete solution for Transport Management

Excellessence™ is the proud producer and distributor of the completely digital and webbased solution for logistics, called MILES.

With MILES™ your company doesn't need any expensive ERP-solutions anymore. MILES™ comes shipped with an extensive reporting tool and can easily be customized to your company's interest and qualifications.

Transport Management starts with a desire to move an object from one place to another.

This raises the question of how to move the object most efficiently.

'MILES' takes all work from your hands. The only thing you have to do is to enter a shipment request and MILES™ takes care of everything.

Let MILES™ take you to the next level of Transport Management.

In these pages you are free to experiment with MILES. Create shipment requests, Promote a request to a Leg, create a shipment and asign the request to a shipment.
When necessary, you can also split a request into multiple legs, for instance with multimodal or multistop shipments.
Next, you can change the status of the request, depending on whether the request has been assigned, picked up or delivered.

In menu 'Reporting' you find summaries of the total project. But you can also create exports if you need deeper analysis.


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